It's important to space out your classes so you don't get stuck at the end!
Last marking period I decided I would try to finish up my easy classes first and then worry about my harder and more time consuming classes later.
Needless to say that didn't work out very well, and I ended up with a couple tough weeks where I had to just do six Math or English reports each day.
So after learning my lesson I've found a pretty good method for getting all of your work done efficiently with less stress.
My method is a five step process
Identify your easy and hard classes.
For me I would say my easy classes are Health, Fitness, History and Sociology and my hard classes are AP Psych, English and Math.
Find out your schedule for the week
I'm usually busier on Wednesdays and Thursdays with youth group and Christian club and freer on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.
With that said there are a lot of times where events come up on those days that take up a lot of time.
Create weekly goals
A weekly goal is a certain assignment or amount of work that you want to get done each week.
For myself I try to shoot for about five Math lessons and at least one English report each week.
This then allows me to keep up with my hard classes instead of falling behind my easy classes.
4. Place your classes appropriately
With the information you just put down above make good decisions on how to schedule school work. Plan to do your weekly goals on days when you don't have as much on your plate.
For myself I usually do a report on Monday or Tuesday and then the math on Friday. On Wednesday and Thursday I try to take more of a break and do easier lessons.
Another thing I sometimes do is complete my harder lessons on any day, but if I don't have enough time to finish all of the assignments for that day then I simply carry them over and do them the next day.
I can do this because my attendance is determined by how many lessons are complete at the end of the week.
If your cyber school doesn't run this way then I would recommend not putting off the work.
Do It
Step five is the hardest and most important step of them all. You can plan all you want, but if you don't have enough self-discipline to carry out the plans then you've just wasted your time, and are going to be in a pickle later.
If you are just starting cyber school please make sure you try to follow this plan or a similar version because you won't regret it!
Also if your thinking about cyber school make sure that you factor this into your consideration.
Sure cyber school is a little bit easier sometimes, but you are still learning and it is still tough at times.
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