Saturday, 6 December 2014

How To Make Money for Teenagers

There is little doubt that when the economy is bad there are a lot less opportunities for teenagers to make money.
Adults who have no other recourse are swallowing up what few jobs that may be normally available to the teens.
Having said this, there are ways for a teenager to make money. You can bet that those parents who are still fortunate to have jobs would be more than willing to have a teenager do some work around the home.
The following are just a few services for you to consider. Animal services.

When life becomes hectic, unfortunately, the pets get pushed into the background when it comes to priorities.
Just by offering your services to spend an hour, not just walking the dog, but also playing and exercising it, will be a good way for you to make money.
Let's say for example you were able to exercise three animals each afternoon.

You would average about $15 for each day.
Doesn't seem like much but consider if you do this 5 days a week.
That's $300 per month. Don't just limit your thinking to just dogs either.
Depending where you live there are cats, rats/mice and guinea pigs that may require your services. Sports training.
Perhaps you are a real basketball star that young kids admire.

Why not offer tutoring for a small fee to some of these kids.

Just do yourself up a flyer and send it home with the kids. It won't be long before your phone is ringing off the hook for your services.

This is one sure, quick, and easy way to make money doing what you do best. It could be maths tutoring or playing an instrument or anything you're good at.

Errand Running. Now this may seem like a thing from the past, but when time is of the essence you can bet there are plenty of people who would just love it if they had someone to run the weekly errands for them.

This could include picking up dry cleaning, doing the grocery shopping, taking the kids to the hairdressers or even dropping them off and picking them up from weekly activities.
This is another way for any teenager to make money.
Student Escorting.

With so much crime taking place today, parents are concerned about their kids walking to and from school on their own.

Ideally, you could run a student escort service where you walked a group of kids to school in the morning and again to home in the afternoon.
If you charged $1 one way and had 10 kids in your group that would be $20 per day for something that you had to do anyway.

Another great way to make money.

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