Monday, 8 December 2014

Family Values 2.0 - Where Technology Has Brought Us and Our Children

A decade ago I can recall a time when the internet was nothing more than an abstract term which many people claimed was going to revolutionize everything but no one paid it much mind back then. Computers were still being sold for over a thousand dollars, huge money now and even more money back then.
My family and I were not too close but we did make time to do some things together, and the only technology I had access to was my PlayStation.

It was unheard of for anyone not old enough to drink to have a cell phone.
These things were all about to change as technology became cheaper and the internet permeated every aspect of our lives.
I love technology..

I blog, I program websites, I play video games and do many, many other things in which I utilize a myriad of devices attached to the internet. For business, (responsible) adults and many other people the internet is an incredible tool for teaching, communication, and creativity, but in the case of children and adolescents too much exposure can be harmful. Teachers are having to tell students to use "regular" English as opposed to the "text talk" (LOL, L8R, etc..) they are learning by conversing with friends on cell phones, and we now have parental protections on everything from computers to video game consoles to iPhones to..
whoa, what have we gotten ourselves into here? Looking at the typical family's living room in America paints a bleak picture as well, where was once a radio for us to listen to there now resides a gigantic television with couches wrapped around it.
Everyone is free to come and go as they please and often most of the family is busy composing text messages while a movie is playing. Asking your kids can to turn off their cell phones can often be met with glares or even an argument.

The key to avoiding these situations is to reach your children respect and family values at an early age, do not expose them to too much television, video games or other technology until they are aware of their responsibilities and their family. Technology can not be avoided forever, it is a necessity to function in modern society but with care and consideration your family can avoid the pitfalls which create distance between loved ones and let you have the good without so much of the bad. The internet is an amazing tool for connecting with people you would never meet, embrace ideas you would never have heard of and it is a place where you can express yourself to the entire world, do not run away from it.

Remaining vigilant and participating in activities that encourage communication and critical thinking in your home and with your family is a way in which you can accomplish such a goal. Some food for thought: Board games, jewelry making, Pictionary, arts and crafts..

be creative!

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